Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good and bad benfits of blogs.

I think that using blog post are great in many ways. First with having blog post you can post your homework on the blog. Also you can post a lot cool things like you make layouts and put music on it and you can post thing in your personal life. With very thing there is a bad with having a blog you can come cross some creepy people. People can also hack into your blog and mess it up and then your computer can have viruses.

Business Letter

San Pasqual Valley Road
Escondido, CA, 92065
April 22, 2010

Mr. Ron Major
San Pasqual Academy
17701 San Pasqual Valley Road Escondido, CA 92065

Dear Mr. Major
I am writing to persuade you to make the classes smaller. I’m writing to you because you are the principal and you have the authority to make these changes.

I would like to see this change occur because I feel like classes are too big. Study show that if you have smaller class students do not talk as much and the teacher will focuses on the each individual kid. kid would get more out of it and grades would go higher. Students will improve academically as a result of that.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my letter I do truly appreciate it.

I look forward to seeing these changes happen this change will being positive learning to our school.


Andreaqua A.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog post

In 8 years im going to be a chef. What i like about being a chef is that i get to be creative and make your own menu. Sometime when being a chef you can make your own shows and make up your own food. Also with being a chaf make 140,000 dollars a year. That is so much money and i could live a good life and dont have to live from pay check to pay check.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hey something amazing happened to me I was so freak out! There was a huge earthquake on Easter at 3:45 that afternoon. That afternoon I was sleeping on the coach in till I felt the shaking. I woke in shock thinking I was going to die. My friend July looked at me and said "Is that a earthquake?" We ran outside screaming. The earthquake started at Mexicli. The earhtquake was 7.2 in California but it was only a aftershocke it was so scary.

Friday, April 2, 2010

10 second soundoff

Well today is going to be a long day im in phyical pain my somcth is killing me. Today im on the vrage of going off I need a day to claer my mind.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amy Choice

If my friend ever said that she was online with a stranger I would tell ho stop talking to him. Also I would tell her that people could get tracked down form that. Like my mom sister got tracked from her computer and the guy knock on her front door. I would also tell the police about wat is going on.