Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun Quiz

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The conflict was between the mom and the duahgter. Also another thing is that her mom would tell her that she was prodigy at crying and that would make her cry even more. So in the begining the mom would tell her that if you were in america you could be famous for anything.
So she saw this kid playing piano and she went her daughter and told her that she wanted her to play piano. Her daughter went up stairs to one of the men that use to be in the piano and ask him if he could teach her. When she had her frist piano recital she messed up and every one was making fun of her. Then in the morning her mom told her she want her to do it again. But she ignored her mom and kept watching tv. Then she stood up to her mom and told her that she need to stop making her do thing she dont want to do and told her that she wish she was dead like the other kids. Sod that are the conflicts of the mother and daughter

Monday, September 27, 2010

In the story two kinds there was a girl that her mom wanted her to play piano
but she was defind of her mom. She didnt like her mother and she always thought of her of her as a old hag. So her and her mom didnt really get a long but when her mom gave her that evil eye the daughter would not act up.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What is your name?

• What is your favorite character in a movie or book?

• Describe your character in one word.

• What is the character’s motivation?
To be free from a man possesson

• Describe the character’s appearance.
She is young high cheeck bone and shaply hands
she a southern bell
• Name a few actions the character performs.
Cheated on her husband
she got conuline form a friend
• What does the character think about?
She think of freedom

• What does the character say?
No ic ant go to the trouble of dressing again;
i dont feel like it
• Why do you like this character?
I like the this character so much because she
is the repertion of the females of her time

By aqua

Friday, September 24, 2010

I would like to be a progie because they come with natural talent. Like in story the girl rether she knew it or not ut she was a prodige she still knew how to play pieno ever after all thoses years. An so she knew that she was one. But the basd part about be a prodige is that your pearentrs would want you to be someone your not.An you want to be your self. Like wheni was younger i used to know who to sing and my family want me to sing for them and go on american idial. But i didnt want to do that i thought that kind of stuff was dumd and so i didnt do. But every now and then my voice would come out and my house mates would be amazated and they would like that was nice.

Monday, September 20, 2010

i didnt understand thr homework
She is tall,slim, and devoted. Also she is a dreamer. I relly dont know so.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dee remind me of dre because she aways dreaming and they are both slim. Also there name has a lot to do with it. I really didn't get the homework so I'm sorry i could get it all done

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What the Use was about is a older big women and her daughters. One of her daughters was having a dream about be famous and being on the T.V. In the being of the story she was talking about stitching together a blanket. Dee had never got a education and after second grade the school shut down. They also made a friend called Hakim-A-Barber and he sat down and had dinner with him in there house. Her mom made a lot of quilts and at the end of the story
My terdition is every christmas is we have to cook a big dinner and we always have presnts. So thats just one of the ways we celebrate. In also we have a chance to have family day what we usely do is have coimdy night. will

Monday, September 13, 2010

"The Lucky Pencil" Plot Assessment

What i fill about 911 is i dont think its sad i think you have to what you got to for country. When 911 happend people had noicte the word had stopped moving i was a aqwards silence. fill like bursh created the 911 because he was so careless and it was sad that bursh got a letter stating that they were going to bomd the whit house insted they bomed the twins tower. The only that ws sad for me is when they had to call there family and let them know they about to die.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Burning Of The Quran

The burning of the Quran in my opinion is dull. I believe that would a start war between Islam and United States. Rev.Jones deliberately defined the U.S army when they told him not to.Rev Jones is giving the U.S a bad name because we are home of the free. That include freedom of religion. With burning of the Quran your saying screw the Muslim and that would make people look at America like there not the greatest country or not home of the free.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

One day in a clod winter day there girl named Andy. She went out with her friends to see The Last Exociste she was very excited to see the movie but when the movie was over she felt grievance. When leaving the thearter the people was ballyhoo.She closed her ear and kept walking but when her friend departed for her when walkimng home she was abducted by aliain. When in the U.F.O the alians was zany and pratying. After she got though with partying with them they let her go and she had to sneck back in the house, but when going back home she droped a neckless that was relic. When she got home she finally realized that it was gone. She look around her room and she started tp panic. The next morning her friends found her neckless and she jumped up in joy she was so happy.

the end

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One cold crazy night there was a little mouse in the big cafe on the edge of the 3rd ave of palces. The mouse had a huge peice of chese and it loved that chese. So one day there were cleaning the cafe and swept the chese right under the mouse. The next day the mouse woke up and started to look around. He looked around and started to panic. He look up and down around and around. He started to get hungry and so he nibled on the parts of the food on the ground. Night time was inching naer and he started to get sleepy so he crawed back into his whole and cried. Morning arouse and the mouse got up nice and early and noiceted that the trash hasnt been taken out. The mouse whent and ran in quickness. He jumped in the trash and there it was his chaese he was so happy and he couldent belive is eyes there was his chaese he graded the chases and after that he just played with the chaese like it was his last

In 2053 mental instuteion they probly have tvs every were and he is probly chined up and cant move. Sometime they would probley feed his some that make him lazy. Mostly he woould prombly be and they would turn him into a tec geek

Friday, September 3, 2010

He wrote the book because he to tell use h0w it going to be in the furter. And so he sayng that it going it that every one is going to be lazy and that techonlogy id going to take over the world. Then he was talking about how the cars going to talk.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You have friends that that are good and you have good ones and bads one.One of my friends would never go out the window nore would i so i think that he was kind of crazy. Sometimes people would do stupid thing to for the ones they love. But in dead man packet he did out of love and not out wanting to get money.