Sunday, September 26, 2010

What is your name?

• What is your favorite character in a movie or book?

• Describe your character in one word.

• What is the character’s motivation?
To be free from a man possesson

• Describe the character’s appearance.
She is young high cheeck bone and shaply hands
she a southern bell
• Name a few actions the character performs.
Cheated on her husband
she got conuline form a friend
• What does the character think about?
She think of freedom

• What does the character say?
No ic ant go to the trouble of dressing again;
i dont feel like it
• Why do you like this character?
I like the this character so much because she
is the repertion of the females of her time

By aqua


  1. Hey Aqua! Good interview! I have a suggestion to make your blog easier to read: change the background or text color. :) Looking forward to reading more of your work!

  2. Aqua, proofread and edit your work before posting it. Perhaps have an adult, peer or upperclassman look over your work.
