Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One cold crazy night there was a little mouse in the big cafe on the edge of the 3rd ave of palces. The mouse had a huge peice of chese and it loved that chese. So one day there were cleaning the cafe and swept the chese right under the mouse. The next day the mouse woke up and started to look around. He looked around and started to panic. He look up and down around and around. He started to get hungry and so he nibled on the parts of the food on the ground. Night time was inching naer and he started to get sleepy so he crawed back into his whole and cried. Morning arouse and the mouse got up nice and early and noiceted that the trash hasnt been taken out. The mouse whent and ran in quickness. He jumped in the trash and there it was his chaese he was so happy and he couldent belive is eyes there was his chaese he graded the chases and after that he just played with the chaese like it was his last


1 comment:

  1. Aqua, you will continue to lose points if you fail to proofread and edit your work. This post is also missing a title.
