Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where have you gone chaming billy

Would I ever be in the army personaly I would just for the thill of killing. I love guns I thinmk there something about guns that makes me happy. I guess growing up with guns and all the other thing so that would be nice to do. An also I would love to hold a sult-of-rifle. An I live with a person that was in the amry and she jumped out of air planes for the army.An also you can get in shape and I can get personal training and that would be great. But sometimes you wake up to early so that not a plus. When going to war that would a great adrenaline rush for me because of all the danger your out in. So to put to put that in one senctence yes I would go inot the military.


  1. WOWWWW I like it but u scare me now....
    JKJKJk good job keep up the good work also watch your spelling!!!

  2. OMG I like YOU and your paragraph!! You should really go back though and fix your misspelled words.

  3. Good paragaph, keep up the good work okay. Keep it up.
