Thursday, June 9, 2011

Honesty i think that i did horrible in the beginning when i was in school i read at a preschool level honesty i didn't even read i didn't know how. but now i can read at a fifth grade level. im at fifth grade level now because i try really hard and i have been taking class for it. My writing skills are very bad when i was in middle school i could never write a good paper and that part of the reason i didn't pass middle school. But now I'm kind of better at doing writing assessments i think its because of Plato that help me out allot and now i do know a little something. Personally i think that my speaking skills are bad because i take speech class and it help me learn how to Ponce words so i think that I'm good at that a little my speech couch says that I'm getting better so i guess that's a plus. I totally love doing group work when i was in middle school i was great at doing group work. But now i cant even stand working in groups and i suck when i was in a group i don't get work done. My tech skill was always good but it depend on what your talk about because i know how to put a computer together, i know how to get virus out of the computer, so it all depends on what your talking about. Now i know how to do a lot more now that I'm with Ms Priester.

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