Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I was never Parlized of rear but one of my good friends was. We were at this halloween prarty everything was going well and she was dancing and i was dancing . I remenber her saying something like what if a man pulls out a gun i try to shoot us. People were drunk and out of there mind. We were about 13, 14 years of age and we were at one of my friends mom praty. Then a little fight broke out and people were tring to hold back the two men but insted if coming down the man pulled a gun. I ran into the alley and waited for my to come but insted she was in the house still scared. Then the man ran out the house shooing into the cops came and then he was arrested. So i ran back to the house i grabed her and left


  1. Aqua, type your work in Work so that you are able to spell check, proofread, and edit your work.

  2. aqua type it in Microsoft word it will help you spell check.

  3. Hey Aqua I love your background it's so cool. What are those things di9ffrent stuff animals or something. Omg please let me know were you got it from.

  4. hi Aqua good job on your work in class today.

  5. Are you serious you were never in fear thats asowme I wish I never feard anything but i'm a scary cat so i have haha
