Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One of my most embarrassing moments was when I was at knots berry farm and I was so scared. It all happened when we to the board of LA and my mom had made me go with them. I look around and saw a whole bunch rides so kiddy others adults rides with mean big huge colossal rides. I rode a few of them not all but little did I know we were working our way up to the supreme scream. Come to find out when I was talking to my sister we in line for the ride. I turned and look at my dad in hatred I tried to turn back but it was too late I was already there. My heart bounded though my shirt and I could feel the sweet coming down my face. As we approached the ride my heart stopped I look up and panicked. The man strapped us in and laughed. The ride began to go and up and up after we reach the top my dad told me he was sorry because he didn’t know the ride was 1,500 feet in the air. My heart thumbed and soon when the ride went down I threw up on the girls below us. When we got of the ride they were ready to fight but I pay no mind. That was the most embarrassing moment in my life.

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