Saturday, April 16, 2011

UnGoogleable Research – What I Already Know

My fouce question is about gun protection and how i think that they would be good for everyone to use.I already now that guns can be purchuse, but not all people can purchuse that i think that everyone should own a gun for there own protection. An also it says it in the fifth amendment you have the right to bare arms with mean you have the rights to have a wepond on you at all times. Additionaly i know that you cant hava a gun when you got out of jail but they if you go to a hearing they might let you. But doing this reschare i hope to learn about more thing and how to get your pertimmte to have a gun


  1. NIce post Aqua!!! Great topic!! Never touch a gun!! ever!!!!!!!

  2. Aqua, please ask a peer or an adult to look over your work. There are errors that cost you points on this assignment.

  3. Aqua you need to capitalize your I's.

  4. Hi Aqua! Your topic is really mature and seems relevant to our society today. I hope that you learn a lot through researching this topic :)

  5. Hi Aqua,
    I hope you research both sides of this controversial issue. I'll be interested in what you find.
    See you later,
    Ms. Morris
