Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Odyssey Part C - Content Paragraph - Journey
The point of Odysseus journey is to get back home to Ithaca to his wife and son. After the Trojan war Odysseus was determined to make his way home. But on his way home he had a lot of obstacles and sense he wanted to see his wife and son he made i though. Also he was very lollay to his wife when he came home for the first time in years he had to get all the man back for tyring to take over his place and his wife. His son had made them take a test and he told them the one that can bind the bow and get it thoguh the axe whole and that will prove to them that he was Odysseus and when his son found out that it was Odysseus he was amazed and so was his wife.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Odyssey Part B - Content Paragraph - Women
Women are portrayed as evil because you have your the sirens and they are beautiful women that sing and when the men come to see what it is they come and eat them. An also anthea she was watching him and she made the wave raise up and brake the riff that he was on. An also the woman named cyloide and she wanted to keep him with her to make him hers and also made him change his hair. So basically hey make the women seem bad and they the woman and they make them very seductive and also very beautiful. One example of that is that in the story they tell you about how beautiful the sirens are that make them want to jump in the water to get them but also because they sing very well.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Odyssey”: Part A - Content Paragraph - Heroes & Conflict
What make a hero is probably the people that are in a the hospital because when my brother got shot. The people at the hospital helped him and they could be consider hero's. Also they could be consider hero's because they save life's and they help people that are need. Another thing that recognize them to be a hero is that every day some one is saved by the doctors in the hospital. Its also a external conflicts because they couch you though child labor, surge, and other thing that you don't fill safe about. Also they become helper because they either been though it and they don't want you to full the same way so they would. One reason how Odyssey was a hero was because he help save these people from this cyclops and they made him a hero. Odyssey connect to real life because there are copes that help out with real life.
Friday, July 15, 2011
a time where I was trapped between both worlds was when the social worker knocked on my door and ask me "How are you?"
My heart stopped. My parents walked to the door and ask her "Who are you".
I told them that it was a social worker and she is here to talk to you. My father let her in. Mom gave me a evil eye. My dad asked "Is there a reason why you are here"
I stayed quite. The social worker said "well your daughter has had some marks on her and we need to take pictures of it".
My dad looked at me and said "Show her the marks".
I looked at him and said " Ooo the Marks that me and my bro had when we were playing around in the dirt".
The social work scowled at me, then left. My mom "What was that why was she here here".
She slapped me. The next day in school I called the social worker and told her that my mom slapped me. She asked "do you want to be there still"
my voice quivered "Yes"
they carried me away and I ended up at San Pasqual Academy. That was the best choice of my world.
a time where I was trapped between both worlds was when the social worker knocked on my door and ask me "How are you?"
My heart stopped. My parents walked to the door and ask her "Who are you".
I told them that it was a social worker and she is here to talk to you. My father let her in. Mom gave me a evil eye. My dad asked "Is there a reason why you are here"
I stayed quite. The social worker said "well your daughter has had some marks on her and we need to take pictures of it".
My dad looked at me and said "Show her the marks".
I looked at him and said " Ooo the Marks that me and my bro had when we were playing around in the dirt".
The social work scowled at me, then left. My mom "What was that why was she here here".
She slapped me. The next day in school I called the social worker and told her that my mom slapped me. She asked "do you want to be there still"
my voice quivered "Yes"
they carried me away and I ended up at San Pasqual Academy. That was the best choice of my world.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Seven Ages of Man
8:00 in the morning Jacksonville Alabama Andreaqua A. was born wighting at 6 pounds 13 oz. I went home on June 25 my first word was play and I was just as Innocent a delicate like a flower. I was in 4th grade and I remember like it was yesterday so fragile but yet kind of aware of what I do. still a little childish and but know when mommy was serious. kind of afraid of the monster under the bed and in the closet. The fall in love and I think its the end of the world when he brakes up with me and it fill like I'm going to die. Get a little job and think that I'm rich just because it get like 300 hundred dollars. Sometimes I fill like I'm going to die but other time s it like I'm go top of the world. now I'm like not Steuben but I am tiring to get my stuff together because I'm in my last year of collage and I can i finally buy a car and now I really get a job and know I'm going into labor and have kids. My kids are grown and they help take care of me now I the kid again.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"A Blessing" Befor You Read
When I was in Alabama we have a big Forest in the back of the house and me and my sister would go and play in the back. When we were playing we heard growled noise and we wanted to know what it is but we were like never mind let just get though playing around so we did. An again we herd the growled. So we walked closer to the growled and we were both very scared but when we got there ill eyes were big and we had been amazed. The wolf was having a baby and me and my sister were just so excited. We help the baby and the wolf we pulled out baby out of the wolf. I was literary like wow that i was just like no words to say or explain what i felt about it that how i felt i started to cry and still to this day I sometime I just don't know what to say
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer School Plan
In summer school I hope that i will pass or at lest have a good grade in her class because I'm tyring to pass school and not repeat anything. I will work with my partner every night and i will ask for help. Also I will check the blog and see what I have to do and I will make my staff remind me to do it and my partner to do her work to. An I will try to stay after school if I can because I know that if I can stay after school I will be able to pass this class. What I fill about this class i fill hopeful and I hope thatIi pass this class.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
lady or the tiger befor you read choice
A time where I had to do something for the one I care was when I was in the 8th grade I was with my friend and she stole something and I took the blame for it and say that I did it because I didn't want her to get in trouble. In the beginning when she ran into the store I was kind of weird filling already about the whole thing but I didn't play any attention to it so I was really down for it. I thought she was so cool for doing this I kind of felt on top of the world. Then when she picked up the alcohol my heart kind of sunk in and I felt weired all of a sudden. Then I tired to talk her out of it but it didn't work. So the filling of being on top of the world went down I felt dumb and out of place. But when we hit the door and ran the man ran after us and eventually caught us and he ask who had stolen it and I took the fault for her. Now looking back at that I should have let her take the fault because shes never going to learn.
The Grandfather” Before Important Person Paragraph
The person that mean a great deal to me in my life is ,my sister. Simply because she always been there for me no mater what happens. Also she would take csre of me when my mother didnt. My sister is very smart and she is very pretty. She i kind of iut spoken sometimes but it a part of her personality. She is important to me because she has always been like a mother to me she treaded me like she was a mom. An she never gave up on me when everyone eles did she still had faith in me. No matter what. This person is my sister and she is like my mom so that my relationship.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ambiguity phargraph
In the story Lady or the Tiger by Frack R Stockton the man opens the door and sees the tiger. The princess chooses the door with the tiger because she do not want anyone eles to have him. An she was in love with him and she behind one of the doors there was a beautiful women. The princess flet jelsouly because she knew that the women behind there was very beautiful and she wanted the man to her self. So with that i think that she choose the tiger because she want the man. The mans fate was decided by the princess.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Sniper Theme Pharghrph
In the story the sniper the Republican sniper has changed throughout the story. He became bitterly remorse. The main conflict was the guy shooting at him from the opposite roof top and him having to duck and save his life. The other guy was his enemy and he wanted to to kill the other guy before he killed him. The conflict was resolved when he shot his enemy and the sniper from the other team was dead. How this relate to the theme is that it happened in real life. That is why wars are bad and we should not have wars.
The sniper befor you read faer phargrah
When facing the heart-pound fear people perform well because there not thinking of the consequence and so they do thing without thinking. For example if you are about to die and your trapped under a rock and the only way you can survive is if you cut off your arm. You’re not thinking so the first thing you do is start cutting your arm off simply because you’re scared and you don’t know what to do. An any logical thing anyone would so that how people think. For all the people that don’t work better under fear pounding that weird because most people think better under fear.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Summer School Plan
I will succeed in summer school. I will not be lazy and I will stay on top of my game. I will always ask for help from my partner and teacher. All I need to do is raise my hand when I don't get something. After school I will go to my staff or go to Dereck because I know that sometime I can't do it. Sometimes I will go to my partner's house and I will work with him and then we can get the work done. I will set a alarm on my phone that goes off, and when it is time to do homework I will get up and do it. I will have everyone in my house remind me of what I need to do. Sometimes another one of my problems is that I don't remember what I need to do and I mess up. In three weeks I know that I will have passed Ms. Priester's summer school session one.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Honesty i think that i did horrible in the beginning when i was in school i read at a preschool level honesty i didn't even read i didn't know how. but now i can read at a fifth grade level. im at fifth grade level now because i try really hard and i have been taking class for it. My writing skills are very bad when i was in middle school i could never write a good paper and that part of the reason i didn't pass middle school. But now I'm kind of better at doing writing assessments i think its because of Plato that help me out allot and now i do know a little something. Personally i think that my speaking skills are bad because i take speech class and it help me learn how to Ponce words so i think that I'm good at that a little my speech couch says that I'm getting better so i guess that's a plus. I totally love doing group work when i was in middle school i was great at doing group work. But now i cant even stand working in groups and i suck when i was in a group i don't get work done. My tech skill was always good but it depend on what your talk about because i know how to put a computer together, i know how to get virus out of the computer, so it all depends on what your talking about. Now i know how to do a lot more now that I'm with Ms Priester.
Monday, May 30, 2011
High School Obstacle
I really don't know what my biggest obstacle was but i really did bad this year i guess the ungoogleable project was hard because when we did that i was missing a lot of school so i fell behind. That was horrible i guess it was hard for me because i really didn't understand have of it. An we had to not use google but we could have used scholar google so that was confusion. An plus the topic that I'm writing on is really difficult to find because it about guns and how we should use them for protection. There were hardly any about that so that was not the business that was the hardest assignment i had to do.
Monday, May 23, 2011
free blog post
my day at home was boring and there is nothing i really did but my sister did very pretty and she was nicely dressed so that made my night but also i was really sad because my sister was leaving and it is getting closer to her leaveing and that is really make me sad because me and her never been spertaed intill now and thats going to be wrioed because i never been with out her so thayt going to make me really sad but im going to try to keep myslef claim but on a better note she going to cal sate la and she is so happy so im happy for her love you dreee
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My Feelings about the Upcoming CSTs
What i fill about testing is that it is stupid. Because i fill that it doesn't get us anywhere all you do is sit there and think about what you did or what you learned but does that determent what you learned. I don't think so because sometime i take test and i blank out but when I'm in class i know what I'm talking about so i personal hate test. i fill like if the teacher is a good teacher they would not need to take test unless if you have Special ed or if you have a IEP so that what i think.
Quote, Summary, or Paraphrase Paragraph
A quote is the repetition of someone else's statement that has parenthesis around them and they are ether out of a book and or out of a story play or poem. Some people use it for projects and to catch people in lies or anything like one thing that people use is "To love is nothing..To be loved is something..To love and be loved is everything. Summary's are recap, a shorter version of the original story poem or play most of the teacher want you to summarize the story or poems. Paraphrase is a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form like sometimes people would retail the story the way they understand.
Friday, April 29, 2011
My Feelings about the Upcoming CSTs
To be honest I don't know if I'm going to pass the CST testing because I didn't study. An for some reason I always blank out when I'm doing my test so that is a big factor why I don't pass test. But Mrs Morris told me that was doing good in my English testing so that gave me a little more support because I had it in my mind that I wasn't going to pass. One thing I love about testing is that I can get brakes thought the time. It also make me fill really uncomfortable because it get to the point that i start to to rethink if I'm smart or not. I also fill like it get to me when i know the answer or if its to easy I question if i know it or not so that scares me.
Free Write Blog Post
All my life i have tried to make good grades but it never found its way to me. Sometimes i would wonder how me life would be if i did get good grades. There only one time i have ever make a 2.5 and that was at hilltop and that was out of luck i think. But this year i had a plan and at frist i was doing good but i didnt do my homework for about a good week because i was suspened and i wasnt in school for that but it still dosent give me the right to not do my homework. Honsty i think i could have done better than what i did because i started to do good and then i stop and the whole thing crushed and i was tring to get a job and that was a big down fall for me but im still going to work at it because i need it so im going to give it another try.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
CST Testing Reflection
Testing was the hardest thing i have ever had to do because i didn't remember anything because every time i take a test i forget what i learn. An it get harder for me so that's a down fall. An also i tried to plan out and use some of the straggles to make it happened but that didn't work so good but i tried and that's matters. I know for sure i didn't pass my world history because the teacher isn't the best one yet. Also i think that i failed because i didn't study when i was suspended do that's totally my fault. One thing i don't like about testing is that i get really sleepy and tired that i start to go to sleep in class, and i forget the answer that i was going to put. Also anthor thing is that i don't do well in reading ad sometimes i suck at it so i don't understand what i read.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
UnGoogleable Research – What I Already Know
My fouce question is about gun protection and how i think that they would be good for everyone to use.I already now that guns can be purchuse, but not all people can purchuse that i think that everyone should own a gun for there own protection. An also it says it in the fifth amendment you have the right to bare arms with mean you have the rights to have a wepond on you at all times. Additionaly i know that you cant hava a gun when you got out of jail but they if you go to a hearing they might let you. But doing this reschare i hope to learn about more thing and how to get your pertimmte to have a gun
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
UnGoogleable Research Paper – Website Evaluation Tips
I interview my house staff Areial and she look up some good websites for me for and she thought that my topic was very intersting and that would make a good agurement. She said it because she thought that mine woulds be different and no one would want to do that becasue that would be a more difficult subject.Then i ask my house mom/parent and she wanted me to do the chef one but i thought that was going to be hard because what im going to write about how they make food. But Its seem like everyone like the gun topic because, they say it would really give you something to think about. An thats just what i want them to do is think about the how guns can help.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I wasn't at school and i was at court but if you want to know what happened at court i don't mind sharing. First what happened is that i went to the wrong court house. An we were there for about a good five minutes because they were looking for our case names with is under the Anderson case and they were looking for the name but they didn't find it and they said that were your supposed to be in south bay with is chula vista the court i always go to so that was a plus for my life. So we finally got there and every one was waiting for us that made me fill like the a grand opening because they were waiting for me.An when we got there we found out that we had a new atterany and he was pretty good he was nice and he had a warming personality about him. Me and my casa sat down and we eat a casada and it was so good that i had a another one.An yet they had to wait for us again because i want another casadilla. Then we got there the juged did nothing besides comment us and he is the best juged ever and thats no lie. When we were done with court we came home and the ward Assembly was done. That what happened with me in court
Monday, April 4, 2011
Due to the date that I'm writing this I want you to know that you might not see me again. For that, I want you to know that my life was filled with all the wrong things, but a piece of my heart goes out to you. The scent of my breath will hopefully remind you of the kisses we would make. There is a hole in my heart for there was no other you. The new things that makes me want to cry is that I never held you and I never knew you; that's when i knew it would be the end of me. Why? That's what i would ask myself. Why did you say bye? But you, you where never there. Have you ever cared? But it's true, you were always there. By my fellow friends nice knowing you the people that cared and ever lasting with this one stare into my heart this last stare you would ever know of me. This character is is over and done this character author is time for it bye her do date is way over THE END?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Foruth Quarter kick off
When they first sent out the flyer about fourth quarter kick off i was so mad that i had to go to my room and cool off. I hated the idea about it i thought that it was so stupid that i was requesting to refuse school. I thought being in class would be better than to be in a sport. Me and my sister were angury, then when i started to play the sports i thought that it was fun and i wanted to play more like with softball i was killing in that game it made me look good. But when i saw some kids wet i was like im not playing whatever that is becase i didnt want get my hair wet so i was complaining about that the whole day. Also we played capture the ball and i was pushing kids out of the safty box i was horriable at that game but i had fun so, but i sat back down with my sister. When we went outside there was the water and that was my biggerst fear, but when i started to play i love it and my hair didnt get wet at all so that was a pluse i think that made me happy over all i loved foruth quater kick off!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Where have you gone chaming billy
Would I ever be in the army personaly I would just for the thill of killing. I love guns I thinmk there something about guns that makes me happy. I guess growing up with guns and all the other thing so that would be nice to do. An also I would love to hold a sult-of-rifle. An I live with a person that was in the amry and she jumped out of air planes for the army.An also you can get in shape and I can get personal training and that would be great. But sometimes you wake up to early so that not a plus. When going to war that would a great adrenaline rush for me because of all the danger your out in. So to put to put that in one senctence yes I would go inot the military.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Peom with Spa
The beauty of SPA is unforgetable
the name is for ones happiness
the pain and the game that SPA
play the blood and the tears that
people sheed for SPA everyday SPA what
a beautiful place.
the name is for ones happiness
the pain and the game that SPA
play the blood and the tears that
people sheed for SPA everyday SPA what
a beautiful place.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What it means to be a sophomore is that you have to take on the responsibility and it makes your harder year. Besides senior year, I think that your sophomore year is so fun because you’re only not going on sophomore trips but your have way through the High School. So that’s a plus that’s good. But the down side to being a sophomore is that you have to take chasse testing and that just sound hard. The thing that is different about freshmen is that they get called the worst names ever and that the all time favorite freashmeat. How can you said that’s horrible.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
figurative language
Love is a journey: It’s been a long, bumpy road-Love.
Emotions are abstract, so let's pick one - hate.
Life is like a river you never now what will happened-Life.
Friends is like season there for a while but they go when hard times are near-Friendships.
Community meeting is like an ant.-community meeting
Pass is like a an fantasy-passes
The gym is like a nightmare-the gym
My house is happy as the word love.-My house
She sparkled like the moon in the sky.-the moon
She danced like a beautiful flower in the wind-flower
she communicate like a phone- phone
she run like a car fast-car
life is like a box of chocolate
the teacher is like the mother hen
the orange goovers protect me
spa is not like a spa
His hands were cold as ice
He was a mean as the devil himself
he is as hard as brick
she is as smart as a computer
she danced like the waves in the ocean
there rainbow smiled at us
the sun smiled at me
her face shone on the ocean
Love is a journey: It’s been a long, bumpy road-Love.
Emotions are abstract, so let's pick one - hate.
Life is like a river you never now what will happened-Life.
Friends is like season there for a while but they go when hard times are near-Friendships.
Community meeting is like an ant.-community meeting
Pass is like a an fantasy-passes
The gym is like a nightmare-the gym
My house is happy as the word love.-My house
She sparkled like the moon in the sky.-the moon
She danced like a beautiful flower in the wind-flower
she communicate like a phone- phone
she run like a car fast-car
life is like a box of chocolate
the teacher is like the mother hen
the orange goovers protect me
spa is not like a spa
His hands were cold as ice
He was a mean as the devil himself
he is as hard as brick
she is as smart as a computer
she danced like the waves in the ocean
there rainbow smiled at us
the sun smiled at me
her face shone on the ocean
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Poerty experience paragraphy
My poem "Same Song" by Pat Mora. The poem Same song make me feel weriod because it kind of like my life. I would get up elary and do my hair and take a shower brush my teeth. One example of imagtry is she strighting her hair and squeeze into faded jean that sound like me and that kind of funny.She wakes up at six in the morning just to do everything and that what i do to. Also she put her make up on and when i used to were to make up i would do my make up all good. That made me feel like im not the only person that do thatin the morning. Anthor thing is i can relate to the son because because now i run every night to get in shape. It help me feel better by letting me know there someone out there like that.
Same Song
The message of the poem to me is that teenagers would go thought anything to look good. Look good is for some people means that they can boost up there selfestem. An they can feel better about them selves and that they also knowing that looking good will help them feel better. Sometimes people try to look good because they want to impress people and they want to get complemented by others. People like anttion and they like a alot of it. So that can be a reason for why they might act that way is that they want to fit in with the what people call the cool kids and that why they look good for people. Personally i don't think that you need to put in a lot of time doing you make up ar straightening your hair so that how i feel.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Imagery in song
The song that cought my eye was "Can you Stand the Rain" by Boyz ll Men. It responds to my life becuase i need someone to be there for me when i need them. Also it responds to me because when im having a bad day i want someone to be right there with me no matter what gose on. I can fell the rain touching my skin. You can smell the rain after the storm after it is done. So what it mean to me is that i need soone to be there with me. When i hear that song it reminds me of my best friend Ema she stood by me no matter what. Through the bad times and the good times That what song reminds me of.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Storm the Mountain
When i was in little and living in Alabama we had a thunder and lighting storm and that day it flooded my sister and i was coming home from school when the bus just started to go slower and slower. Then it just stopped the water was like 50 inch's high but as we got more far the water got higher. when we finally got home all you can hear is a big noise like someone was moving future inter upstairs but louder and more scary. Also you can see the sky light up it was pretty cool but scary at the same time. I was so scared i thought that was my last night of my life i was a little girl so that scat me half to death. It changed my life because i could have die from the flood or my house could have got hit with lighting now i more cautious about nature.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
grapic oranizer imagery
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Thrid Quarter Reflection
My goals for thrid quarter are to earn a 2.0 or higher, get good attendance, and do homework. I have been doing my homework every night. Then i would study with my house staff and iw ould study befor i go to bed. So that it stay in my head through the night. To get good attendance i would go to sleep early and i would wake up early. To make it to a 2.0 i just try my hardest and if i cant get i would ask for help and i would do the work intill it i get it. What i need to do differently is stop being lazy and actually do my work. Also what i need to do differently is i need to stop procrastnating because that is a big problem for me. I guess at the end i should feel really good and smart because i got a 2.0 or higher i cant wait.
Good teacher worldle.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The thing I love about poetry is that you can put your heart into it. You can just let all your emontions out on paper. An also there are different types of poetry you can use rap as peotry to because that what it orinanated from. Poetry can be very powerful and useful.Most people can refer to poetry because they fill the same way that person fill.You can send alot of message through poetry. In the past i write poetry because i was depressed and i got alot of my depresstion out useing poetry
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Animal Farm” Character’s Symbolic Meaning Paragraph
The character Boxer represents lollaty and respect for his leadder. This show how he is lollay because he keeping saying that naplonle is right and that he is going to stand by him no matter what.And when he say the puppies he said that was there duty and that was there puppies. Also at night they had him standing guard. An after the lady told him that see saw them watching tv he didnt beleive her. People that are lollay they would never tun on you no matter what. Just like boxer he very lollay the best pet alive.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Animal fram revoulation at spa
We are the drangons mighty mighty drangons. We dont let another team beat us were unbeatable.We have a game today and we cant loose so we have pratice pratice.I dont want you to miss no shoot or no free throws no layups. I want to hear swisshhhh of the net.Dibble the ball down that court make it happend.Its game time baby make it happend. Come on push it i dont want any slacking. double up on defence. way your hands in the air and stop the ball. Jump for ball block the shoot make it happend. No fouls dont goaltending.come om the white and green are the enmey. The Blue and white are the good people. Shake and crossers there the question and you are the answer!!!! Lets go drangons lets go!!!! 10 seconds on the clock close game. hold the ball hold the ball. siren gose off. Game over Drangons win. All drangons do is win win win no matter what.Next gamne after next dragons are in the news paper best team there is noone better.Were taking over schools like there nothing. Stompping on them like there glass How are we mighty dragon we are the mighty dragon. You cant touch the untouchable you can see the indiviable.But you can fill the heart brake of our team beatting yours.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Symbol of SPA Drangons
I think that the dragons sign manes all mighty and unbeatable. San pasqual mascots is the dragons babyyy. I believe that because back in the old days they made dragons unbeatable so that might be a reason.Another thing is we blow fire and we are the best of all things. AN also people tryed to slay the dragons but never can. Being a spa dragon make me feel like our team cant be beat. Also it make me feel like unity and pride of one fellow dragon. That how i feel when i see the drangon sign and also it means that i am the best.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Through the tunnel comprehension paragraph
Do i think that Jerry survives no because he kelp saying fifteen by that time he would have lost consciousness. His lungs kelp trying to get air. He also go dizzy and his noise started to bleed. After that he would have got a shark attention because his noise started to bleed.I think if we were to tell it from the mom point of view she would be scared and she wouldn't want him to do again. It would be different because the mom probably would let him go to the rocks.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Throught the tunnel
When i was at home i felt the need to make good grades. I worked hard and i came home and study and didnt think about anything but work. I would pratice with my sister and i would take vocbaurly test with my sister. Sometimes i would pull all nighters and stay up intill 12 at night that made me really tired. I would stay after school and with my teachers and sometime i would get extra help so that was very helpful. My dad got these education books that was so helpful to use. It would brake everything down for you and tell you what everything would be like. When i got my grades it wa amazing i had got a two point five that made me cry i thought that i cold never get good grades. I was happy for about a good mouth or two.
symobism of trust
In our house trust is a big thing. Trust is like have someone there you can talk to and they not tell your whole bussessin to every one. This reperstions our house because because everything that goes on in our house none of use told anyone. Everyone in the house can trust one of and tell everything to every one and that to me is a lot of trust that make everthing in our house run much more smoothly. An also anthor thing is good that our house dont have that much drama. That make the day and going home would be more smooth and it would everyone in the house happy. Ithink that every house should have trust because without trust it nothing you can really do with the people in your house that why i call our house trust
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My third quarter goals are to get a 2.0 or higher. What I'm going to do to achieve that is I'm going to work harded and ask teacher for help. Also i am going to stay after school with the teachers that can stay. I also got this really good plan that i made up. work in the team with Bella, Marcos, and i. I'm going to stop being lazy and try, because if you try you can do anything you want. Another goal is i would pay attions to the teachers more, because i notice that i could daydream a lot and that not good. That another reason why i cant do a lot. That why i cant get good grades because most of the time i was not listing. I think that another goal for me is to become a better writer. I want to become a better writer because i have really good ideas but i don't know how to write them out so its had for me to do anything. Like when i play grammar games i find out hat my grammar is really bad and that makes me feel really bad.All of that is going to be hard for me but i have teacher that don't mind helping me. If i was to achieve these good grades and great grammar i think that i would do so much more. But i really need my grammar better because that's parts of the reason why i cant pass English class. One more of my goals is to best speller. I cant spell for nothing. It horrible that i cant spell but what I'm going to do to is read more because i heard that if you read you would better spelling and grammar skills. That something that believe would help me in the future and it would get far in collage.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Winter Break
Well i didnt have the best christmas but i did have some fun. I guess the high light of that days of christmas break is going to the jammer dinner.It was so amazing i had a chance to make little stocking woth snacks in them. Then the happiest thing ever happened to me i got my second pair of coach shoes. That made me almost cry i was moved by that present. Another good thing is that i like the food that they gave us it was good. We had a lot big presents and we had a lot of big bag every were was very colorful and beautyiful it was so fun. We had some guess dancers and they were so good and i thought that i could but they made me look bad. Also the women that own the dance group gave me her card because my staff were telling her about some thing that she made up i had made up to. That made me happy.
I have to say that getting a 200 gift card made me pretty happy and that i cant deny that. Then the thing of it is i spendent 100 on the playstion2 so i was mad but happy so that was a up and a down situation. But overall im happy and with that my roommate Ema she brought the sims game that made me more happy. I wasted a lot of money with the online shoppind and the other things. Also my mom sent me a 125 to spend but i used that to get presents for the people in my house. When i saw the faces of the girls that got the re presents i was just amazed i was speechless.
Althought i couldnt go on pass i was just happy being with the girls and my roommate. i wanted to go to alamba but i couldnt so that was out of my mind in a quick minute. Some parts of the christmas brake was broning but i got over that.All of my staff loved what i got them . I love christmas it is one of my favorite holidays not just the presents but the whole meaning of it. Its just so beautiful.
I have to say that getting a 200 gift card made me pretty happy and that i cant deny that. Then the thing of it is i spendent 100 on the playstion2 so i was mad but happy so that was a up and a down situation. But overall im happy and with that my roommate Ema she brought the sims game that made me more happy. I wasted a lot of money with the online shoppind and the other things. Also my mom sent me a 125 to spend but i used that to get presents for the people in my house. When i saw the faces of the girls that got the re presents i was just amazed i was speechless.
Althought i couldnt go on pass i was just happy being with the girls and my roommate. i wanted to go to alamba but i couldnt so that was out of my mind in a quick minute. Some parts of the christmas brake was broning but i got over that.All of my staff loved what i got them . I love christmas it is one of my favorite holidays not just the presents but the whole meaning of it. Its just so beautiful.
Second Quarter Portfolio Link Collection
Second Quarter Portfolio Link Collection
Instead of taking a final, you will create an online portfolio to show what you’ve learned this quarter. Today, you will collect links and write a paragraph. Tomorrow, you will put turn these into blog jogs using Jog the Web (http://www.jogtheweb.com/).
Step 1: Paragraph
Write a paragraph summarizing what you have learned in our class this quarter. Post it to your blog. Title the post: What I Learned in English 9/10 Second Quarter.
o http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/i-learn-about-irony-and-how-it-can-make.html
Step 2: Gather Evidence/Links
Search through your blog posts to find evidence of your learning. Select a blog post that proves you learned each of the following. Beneath each sentence, post a link to evidence on your blog.
Select a blog post for each of the seven following statements.
1. I understand how to identify the narrator’s points of view and explain how it is used in a text.
o Link: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1NFO-ol0JYxR-E2zAg3CaAXkMDNY_GtrfamOlEZkXdjY
2. I can name and compare the themes of different texts.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/11/comparison-essay.html
3. I can write a persuasive essay to apply for a contest.
4. I can create a persuasive project.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post_02.html
5. I can identify and explain the effects of irony in a text.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/irony-in-lamb-to-slaughter.html
6. I can explain possible meanings of ambiguity in a text.
o Link:
7. I have learned new vocabulary words this quarter.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/p/vocabulary.html
Select a blog post to support at least one of the three following statements:
1. I can write a paragraph others want to comment on.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/are-you-persuaded-by-my-project-yes-you.html#comments
2. I can create a project to celebrate a holiday.
o Link:
3. I can write about life on our campus.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/06/summer-vac-it-so-much-fun-i-love-it-i.html
Select a blog post to support at least two of the six following statements:
1. I can create a graphic organizer.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post.html
2. I can participate in an online discussion.
o Link:
3. I can create bookmarks.
o Link:
4. I can embed a graphic into a blog post.
o Link:
5. I can create a poll.
o Link:
6. I can add a page to my blog.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/p/aquas-calendar.html
Step 3: Submit Your Work
Publish this document in Google Docs—NOT on your blog. Copy the URL and paste it in the form to submit your work.
Instead of taking a final, you will create an online portfolio to show what you’ve learned this quarter. Today, you will collect links and write a paragraph. Tomorrow, you will put turn these into blog jogs using Jog the Web (http://www.jogtheweb.com/).
Step 1: Paragraph
Write a paragraph summarizing what you have learned in our class this quarter. Post it to your blog. Title the post: What I Learned in English 9/10 Second Quarter.
o http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/i-learn-about-irony-and-how-it-can-make.html
Step 2: Gather Evidence/Links
Search through your blog posts to find evidence of your learning. Select a blog post that proves you learned each of the following. Beneath each sentence, post a link to evidence on your blog.
Select a blog post for each of the seven following statements.
1. I understand how to identify the narrator’s points of view and explain how it is used in a text.
o Link: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1NFO-ol0JYxR-E2zAg3CaAXkMDNY_GtrfamOlEZkXdjY
2. I can name and compare the themes of different texts.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/11/comparison-essay.html
3. I can write a persuasive essay to apply for a contest.
4. I can create a persuasive project.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post_02.html
5. I can identify and explain the effects of irony in a text.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/irony-in-lamb-to-slaughter.html
6. I can explain possible meanings of ambiguity in a text.
o Link:
7. I have learned new vocabulary words this quarter.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/p/vocabulary.html
Select a blog post to support at least one of the three following statements:
1. I can write a paragraph others want to comment on.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/are-you-persuaded-by-my-project-yes-you.html#comments
2. I can create a project to celebrate a holiday.
o Link:
3. I can write about life on our campus.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/06/summer-vac-it-so-much-fun-i-love-it-i.html
Select a blog post to support at least two of the six following statements:
1. I can create a graphic organizer.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-post.html
2. I can participate in an online discussion.
o Link:
3. I can create bookmarks.
o Link:
4. I can embed a graphic into a blog post.
o Link:
5. I can create a poll.
o Link:
6. I can add a page to my blog.
o Link: http://andreaqua.blogspot.com/p/aquas-calendar.html
Step 3: Submit Your Work
Publish this document in Google Docs—NOT on your blog. Copy the URL and paste it in the form to submit your work.
Homeroom Reform Essay
If I was to get 5000 dollars to help fund our school I would put it toward more hands on learning such as field trips. Also I would put it toward more support classes and advance classes. Also we need to put more variety of classes such as pre-calculus or calculus and and french or quantum physics. Finally we need more computers for study hour for students on campus.These are very important needs for our campus and most likely schools across America.
Some people think that it is useless to go on field trips just because it is a lot of money going down the drain. It is actually a better and more sufficient way of learning. Not only can field trips be educational but inspiring also, because they can inspire students to choose who they want to be when they grow up and also inspiring by wanting to learn more. My philosophy is that if students loved education as much as they love video games,I-pods and other electronics state test scores would go up and America can be number 1 in education.
Like certain campus our school does not have many variety of classes. I think it is important to learn some thing new each year and stead learning the same thing .My school only has three types of math which is Algebra,Geometry and Algebra 2. Maybe someone on campus wants to take it up a notch and learn Calculus . Our school does not even have a drama class.
Some people think that it is useless to go on field trips just because it is a lot of money going down the drain. It is actually a better and more sufficient way of learning. Not only can field trips be educational but inspiring also, because they can inspire students to choose who they want to be when they grow up and also inspiring by wanting to learn more. My philosophy is that if students loved education as much as they love video games,I-pods and other electronics state test scores would go up and America can be number 1 in education.
Like certain campus our school does not have many variety of classes. I think it is important to learn some thing new each year and stead learning the same thing .My school only has three types of math which is Algebra,Geometry and Algebra 2. Maybe someone on campus wants to take it up a notch and learn Calculus . Our school does not even have a drama class.
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